Chain Selection Guide

Choker | Collar Length

Although rarely offered in a retail setting, this length will rest about an inch higher than the standard, princess length.

On an average adult, this length will sit close to the neck, allowing petite pieces to layer above another, longer style.

Petite collectors may favor this length for increased visibility of their pieces.


16” Chain


16” Chain

Standard | Princess Length

The ‘standard’ length of most chains paired with pendants in a retail setting.

On the average adult, this length will fall just below a standard t-shirt collar.

Petite collectors may feel this length falls lower, while larger collectors may find this length somewhat restricting.


18” Chain


18” Chain

Matinée Length

This length will fall roughly an inch lower than the standard, princess length.

On an average adult, this length will rest just atop the bust, making it perfect for layering below the collar or princess lengths.

This length is often preferred by taller or larger collectors. Those who find the standard princess length does not fall nicely below their collared tops may also enjoy this option.


20” Chain


20” Chain

Matinée Length | Adjustable

Ideal for layering, this option falls up to 3 inches lower than the standard princess length, and can be freely adjusted to suit any look.

Average adults will find this rests well between the bust.

Very dramatic when worn over a high collared top or paired with a deep, plunging neckline.


24” Chain


24” Chain

Opera Length | Adjustable

Our longest option, falling up to 6 inches lower than the standard princess length. This style is also freely adjustable and can be worn normally or doubled.

Most collectors will find this length drapes well past the bust, and affords a dramatic movement to larger pieces.

Petite collectors may find doubling this length creates a bold, choker style with smaller pendants.


30” Chain


30” Chain

 Layering & Styling Concepts

Every collector can benefit from a variety of chain lengths. From a single, statement piece, to intricate layers, when paired with the right chains, the styling options for any look are endless.

Many pieces in the collection are offered with a choice of chain length and metal type, or as a standalone selection. This offers the collector freedom to build an array of chain options from which to build any look, or employ further customization using ribbon, leather, or strands of pearls.


Menhir Incantation pendant hung loosely on an opera length chain with Alacrity Intonation earrings.


Matinée length chain with Menhir Incantation & complimentary earrings.